Weil helfen Freude macht

Please support us on the establishing and the maintenance of our club house.

Donating money without knowing what for? No, that’s a no go. Therefore, we want to let you know what we are doing. Voluntarily.

Running without any public funding – that’s what we are proud of!

This makes it possible for us to be and remain independent. Hence, we are not putting up logos with which we cannot identify. We remain impartial, charitable and we do not strive for profit.

By now we consist of about 100 people who only have one goal: "to perform charitable social work on the poorest of the poor". For us, a person’s need for help counts, not their origin. Every life counts.

We help because supporting makes us happy. We cover people’s needs. We cooperate with supermarket chains, grocery stores, retailers and many more companies which support us. Supermarket chains like Hofer AG provide these much-needed edible groceries for free. All the foods and supplies are picked up at the supermarkets by our voluntary collectors. They distribute all goods and give it to the people who really need it. We support and provide food for retirees, families who live below the poverty line, as well as refugees.

In our club house we give out food and supplies to people in need For free, seven times a week.

Our members do not need any proof for their level of poverty because we think to be in need is nothing to be proud of. Why should we check the status of these people


Offers in our club house – for free, for people in need

  • Free meals for the poor / breakfast on weekends for homeless people and those who are desperately hungry

  • Tutoring in German language for kids and teenagers

  • Interpreters in 9 languages reaching from Farsi, Polish and Russian to English and French up to Hungarian and Czech – for translation, reading and filling in forms.

  • Extraordinary fulfilment of demand – we try to get goods from the respective companies which are being contacted by us, no matter what one requires. It’s worth the effort.

  • DIY (Do it yourself) workshops – Once a month we offer workshops to interested people. There, they learn how to save a lot of money by producing things like washing powder, soap, cosmetics and cleaning agents.

  • Therapy day! One day a month, therapists voluntarily give their time and skills in order to help and work with our clients.

  • Once a month, our clubhouse becomes a place where people can exchange various things. It’s an afternoon full of exchanging, meeting new people, connecting and joy.

There will be more and more offers soon. We need your contribution to preserve our club house. Please help us with your donation. No matter whether this is once or regularly, your support helps the poorest among us to change their lives for the better. 

On behalf of all volunteers and the people in need, a big THANK YOU

Yours, Viktoria Tobias 

Donations account





Account Holder:

Wiener Bedarfshilfe wir helfen mit Herz

Soziale Netzwerke


Mit dem Autobus 63A: Haltestelle ist Flurschützstraße / Längenfeldgasse.

Mit der Strassenbahn 62: Haltestelle ist Flurschützstraße / Längenfeldgasse

Link zum Fahrplan

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Impressum & Kontakt

 Verein Wiener Bedarfshilfe e.V.

"wir helfen mit Herz"

1120 Wien, Längenfeldgasse 68

+ 43 660 479 98 78


 ZVR-Zahl 396896134


Viktoria Tobias

Logo Gestaltung

Editing & Layout Management

Simeona Harahap Cruz
